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Seeing this article you might be wondering: what's even the point of doing another 2019 summary? Years are passing, get over it and focus on the present/the future! Well if you really think that those are two unrelated matters - we'll try to explain to you, why you are wrong.



Running a friendly, transparent and data-driven business is very important to us as we strongly believe, that in a rapidly changing app development world - this is the only way to maintain constant growth. 

That's why at the beginning of 2020 we want to take a step back and look at the previous year to see what we accomplished and what we could do better. Thanks to that we can set more appropriate goals for the future and, let's be honest - take a second to celebrate all of the good things that happened, but we don't appreciate them in daily haste.

 We've divided this article into 4 elements, each dedicated to one aspect of our company that evolved significantly in the last year. In each sector, we gave the voice to our people, which were most involved in each of the topics. So sit comfortably and let us take you inside the time machine to relive 2019 together with us. We can promise you - A LOT of interesting facts awaits for you here!

Table of Contents:

1. People.

2. Business.

3. Events.

4. Marketing.

5. Conclusion.

#1 People

People are our company's biggest asset - that's for sure. We are very proud, that we've built such an awesome group of talented technology enthusiasts, who dedicate their team and skills to develop products of the highest quality.


Railwaymen 2019 recap people





#2 Business



The growth that we noted in 2019 is something, that we can be truly proud of! That's the results of a carefully implemented, long - term business strategy that gives its fruits now. We're constantly entering new markets and gaining new clients which is proof, that when it comes to outsourcing your app idea, we're the right people to go to!


Railwaymen 2019 recap business


When it comes to technologies - 2019 was not able to surprise us. Thanks to an awesome team built of experienced Ruby on Rails & Mobile developers, we could deliver even the most complex projects within the fixed time & budget. Example:

 Despite a completely different culture and some new payment options that needed to be implemented - we've made it.

Current projects going smoothly enabled us to experiment with some completely new technology stack - such as React Native.




Last year we've decided that it's the time to find some solution to help our potential clients get the maximum from their software - both business and technologically wise. This is how Discovery Phase came to live! You can find out more about this service here and from Sylwia's quote below - our UX/UI designer and co-creator of the DP.




#3 Events



Visiting international trade shows is an important part of our business development strategy. This is our chance, to meet business owners from all around the world and convince them, that we're competent people to trust when it comes to their hard-earned money. What we offer them in return is a beautifully designed, and fully functional custom software - the thing, they are exactly looking for! Even though, they not always know they do from the first place :)


Railwaymen 2019 recap events





#4 Marketing


Last year we focused a lot on developing our digital marketing strategy. When you are a company based in one location, leveraging the Internet is your best way to find clients internationally. Even though marketing usually gives results in a long-therm - we already see some signs, that we are doing a good job!


Railwaymen 2019 recap marketing





We've entered 2020 from a great position. Our team is expanding, the portfolio is growing and when it comes to restrictions - we don't see any that we could not overcome. 2019 will remain very important for us because with our company 10 years anniversary a certain era of Railwaymen has been closed for good. Now, the new one begins - and we can not wait, what it will bring to us!


As you can see, there is a lot that you can achieve within just one year. If you start work now - you can have a fully functional, bringing you a lot of revenue app till the end of 2020! The first step is up to you - leave the rest to us.


I want to create my app in 2020!