When deciding to give custom app development a try, we consider various factors. We look at the development company portfolio check their about us section to see the faces we will often be seeing on our calls, and dig through their tech stack to see if it's not from another era. Is there anything I'm forgetting about? Oh yeah, the elephant in the room - the app development cost. How much does it cost to make an app and is it worth your money? Let's find out together!
[FREE EBOOK] 22 App Development Mistakes You Want to Avoid in 2025
Do you remember the Google+ social networking app working on all platforms, web, iOS and Android? The main aim of this app was relatively clear: connect people with their friends, family members, neighbors, coworkers, etc. The project started in 2011. In the meantime, Facebook already took a vast part of the social media market. Entering on stage should be easy for such a giant like Google, but it didn't happen at all. Google+ was closed in 2019. What happened?
How to Build an MVP (Minimum Viable Product)? [5 Steps]
MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is one of these IT buzzwords everyone working in mobile app development talks about. Do you really know not only what exactly it is but why it's a good idea for every digital project?
Project Discovery Phase: How it Looks on App Example [Free Template]
Discovery Phase is a deep research period that should precede every app development. During that time, all stakeholders engage and define the main app goal, the project's scope, technology stack, timeline, target audience, and other crucial factors. As a result, the app principal receives a detailed, step-by-step plan of app development.
Is Ruby on Rails Dead in 2025?
As you might notice, we specialize in developing Ruby on Rails applications. Our portfolio is full of stunning web projects, and we have over 20 talented RoR developers on board. We genuinely believe that this framework and Ruby programming language are excellent choices for custom web development.
Ruby on Rails Developers: How to Choose the Best Remote Team in 2025
So you decided that the main technology for your web application will be the Ruby on Rails framework. Trust me, it is a great choice. Now, it's time to pick up the development team. The market is full of software companies, and you are wondering, "Which team of Ruby on Rails developers should I choose?". You are in the right place because I'm going to show you which factors are important while choosing developers.
Agile Discovery Phase: a Must Have for Your Business
The decision has been made, you’re setting up your business.
Overall you have the idea that will bring value to the market and your customers. It’s time to start the development process by choosing an appropriate partner for the journey. A one that will guide the whole dev team to create a valuable solution and launch it to the market. A one that will tackle all the challenges and advise on the road. A one that will take care of your software development project and support you along the way.App Development Cost Estimate: How Does it Look Like in Railwaymen?
Cost Estimation for Application development is really quite a complex process. Depending on the type of application and it’s size different types of specialists are needed to make it. Let's take a look at the Facebook example. The company built different variants of its most popular apps. Both Facebook and Messenger have equivalents in version Lite that are reduced in features and are dedicated to older mobile devices. Undoubtedly, these applications' cost estimation will vary significantly from the versions of the full apps.The scope of the project has a huge impact on the cost estimation process.
7 Biggest Web Development Trends for 2025
The history of web applications takes us almost 30 years (!!!) back in time. On December 25th of 1990 at CERN, a Swiss research center, a British physicist and internet pioneer Tim Berners-Lee created the world's first web browser, called WorldWideWeb.
How to Become an Application Owner with No Technical Knowledge?
So you're thinking about building your own application. You're in the right place. From this article, you'll know everything about becoming an application owner. People who are inexperienced with the IT industry usually think that they need to have the advanced technical knowledge to create a digital product. But it is not true. You don't have to be a developer to make your own application. You can be the brains of it and have others design it for you. But from the idea to the actual app, there are some steps you should go through.