Education is such a huge part of our lives. We’re going to a school being around 6 and finishing it (of course, it depends whether we do our masters degree) at the age of 24. That’s roughly (depending on the country & education path) 18 years of our lives that we spend at school alone! And that’s not all.
How to Promote My Mobile App? 16 Fundamental Tips To Implement Right Away
The mobile app market is one of the fastest-growing industries in the World. It is getting bigger and bigger every year. The numbers speak for themselves. In 2019, Apple's App Store reached $54.2 billion of revenue, and this result is 16.3% better than in 2018. Google Play users spent $29.3 billion in 2019, which is 18.1% higher than in 2018.
6 UX Writing Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Copy For Your App
I would like to start with a story. Meet Mark - Mark is a 50+ English teacher, who because of the current situation (we’re during the pandemic crisis as I write the article) is forced to run his classes online. The school didn’t give him any instructions, which software to use, so he has got a free hand to choose the one suiting him best.
Hiring Ruby on Rails Developers Trends: How to Attract the Best Ones?
Why is Ruby one of the most frequently chosen from the varied world of programming languages? What is the reason for creating a web app with the help of Ruby on Rails framework? Why do entrepreneurs around the world look for Ruby developers to build dedicated web software? Why both beginners and more advanced programmers should think about learning Ruby language and how does this knowledge will enrich their career path?
7 Technology Trends With The Biggest Growth Potential in The Post-Pandemic World
Let’s start with some numbers. From 2 to 3 weeks. Or 14 to 21 days. Psychologists researchers discovered that our brain usually needs this amount of time to adapt to the new conditions. We need 21 days for a reorganization of our previous social existence. And now it has been about 2 months since we had to stay at home (I’m writing this based on my situation in Poland).
Freelancer / Software House: 7 Factors You Need to Take Into Account
So, you are looking for someone who will turn your amazing app idea into reality. Should I hire a software house or maybe a freelancer? That is probably the most common question that every rising product owner asks themselves.
9 Issues Your Business Struggle With During Pandemic
It’s truly difficult to write about business these days. When most of the companies were publishing other pieces about remote work and how the pandemic will hit our economy, I was beating with thoughts in my head for days wondering, whether I should also approach this topic or not.
How To Evaluate a Project Success : 5 Questions You Should Answer
Running a business is not a piece of cake. Many projects fail or are discontinued while creating process. On the Internet, we can read about many different examples of unsuccessful stories.
What Are The Requirements For Software Documentation? [Free Template]
Imagine that you just received your favorite video game and now, you have to figure out how to play it. To do so, you launch a tutorial and step by step go through it, to learn the game rules & mechanics.
How to Build Your Digital Marketing Strategy Right?
Marketing nowadays looks a lot different than in the “Mad Men” TV series universe. Instead of spending hours and hours (who has time for that now?!) coming up with the idea that your client will like, selling it, airing on TV/Radio and just moving to the next campaign, you need to build long - term relationships. Especially in the B2B sector.