2019 has come to an end and we will definitely remember it for a long time. Our company 10th birthday, international technology fairs that we’ve attended and endless lines of code, that our developers wrote tirelessly - oh boy, what a year it was!
The e-book we have prepared is a real vademecum for every participant in the financial industry. Whether you are involved in accounting, banking, or perhaps responsible for cost management in a company, you are sure to find something suitable for you. Stay up to date with the latest trends and innovations in the banking sector. Don't wait any longer and get an e-book today!
DOWNLOAD NOW2019 has come to an end and we will definitely remember it for a long time. Our company 10th birthday, international technology fairs that we’ve attended and endless lines of code, that our developers wrote tirelessly - oh boy, what a year it was!
Running a business in the digital era is much different than before. The Internet opened the world for us, but not without a price to pay. We have less and less time to manage our business and at the same time, our competition seems to never be asleep! Luckily, there is something that may help us to run our business more efficiently, increase its revenue and acquire new clients from all around the globe! And it’s called custom software.
Do you need quick and accurate cost estimates for your construction projects?
In a rapidly changing software development world you need to be ALWAYS up-to-date with your knowledge - that’s a fact. In that situation, buying books about programming may sound ridiculous. You may think, that when they are leaving a publishing house they are already outdated. But is it really true?
77% of users wil abandon your app completely within three days of installing it.
Unfortunately, most tech startups fail.
Not even within two years of being launched.
And one of the primary causes is that the product these companies are trying to sell is not something that consumers actually want.
According to the Business of Apps research, 42% of mobile applications fail because of poor understanding of the market and target audience needs, the next 19% because of weak product core. Unfortunately, many startups face a lot of issues, such as wrong market timing, premature scaling, or cost problems.
Is it possible to go smoothly through the app development process and succeed with the app? Yes, of course! Experienced software houses have proven and effective methods for conducting IT projects. MVP in Agile Software Development is one of them.
Do you want to keep up-to-date with Ruby on Rails? Great! You're in the right place. Recently, I did some research among RoR Developers working at the Railwaymen and discovered the best blogs with high-quality knowledge.
Whether you're looking to surface the best of what's new or you want to get familiar with the experiences that other experts have had with the open-source framework, this article is for you.
Carrying around cash has become less and less popular these days. After all, why you should worry about losing those precious banknotes from your wallet when you can have all your money safe & sound on your credit card or - on your phone.