Building a good mobile application is an extremely arduous task that requires proper planning and knowledge of its potential audience. Selecting its features is often a challenge for its creators, as they have to combine expectations with capabilities at a common point. How, then, do you find that perfect balance and choose features that satisfy both the app’s creators and consumers? I will answer these and many other concerns in the following text. So reach for your favorite tea and enjoy the article.
Improving FoodTech app: The Digital Wallet feature in the food service
The service industry in the aspect of ordering food has scored a significant development in recent years. Nowadays, the ability to purchase a meal from a restaurant to your home is not limited to calling the establishment directly and settling with the food supplier. It is becoming difficult to find a FoodTech company that doesn't allow its customers to order food online or via a mobile app. What's more, options for billing via a digital wallet have also increased, giving users more options than before.
Design Patterns in React.js - Best Practices for Scalable Applications
Design patterns were created to standardize solutions to the most common problems encountered by developers in applications of all types. They provide proven and transparent approaches to many important issues in projects. Using them dramatically reduces the number of errors that can occur during application development and makes code easier to read by other colleagues, making work more enjoyable and faster. Most patterns are available regardless of the language, it is only important that the paradigm is appropriate.
Top 7 mobile apps using Kotlin language
Among modern technological solutions, Kotlin has emerged at the front of the peloton, gaining immense popularity among mobile application developers. Its elegant syntax, performance and many other advantages have made developers and representatives of corporations open to digital transformation reach for it more and more boldly. For this reason, I decided to prepare a summary of the 7 most popular current examples of mobile applications realized with Kotlin. In addition, you will learn how this programming language looks against the competition available on the market.
Designing User-Centric Apps for the Diverse Arabic Market
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is an area that brings together a culturally diverse population. That's why providing them with modern technology solutions requires having a good understanding of their needs and preferences. Working with participants in the local markets is one of the most inspiring experiences Railwaymen faces on a daily basis.
React.js Performance - Optimizing Components and Rendering
With the growth of web applications, a key challenge seems to be maintaining optimal performance. One of the many problems that occur for the user can be slow-loading web applications. They contribute to a degraded user experience, but also affect a site's PageSpeed parameters, which translates into search engine rankings and a diminished user base. The solution to these problems can be dedicated strategies that affect application performance.
Charting a Course for Innovation: Expand North Star (GITEX 2023)
In recent years, Railwaymen has been present many times at various thematic events dedicated to technology and business development. Thanks to the experience gained in a wide variety of industries, we have had the opportunity to attend meetings dedicated to almost every industry. Our upcoming destination will be Dubai, which will be hosting Expand North Star (October 15th-18th). This is an event organized as part of Gitex Global, dedicated to all technology startups.
The Hidden Potential of Software Houses - Unique Offerings for Clients
Excellent technical facilities and high-level specialists with extensive development knowledge seem to be essential to the success of the IT project. Besides the price, it is one of the crucial factors determining whether customers will choose to work with a particular software house or not. But can a software house offer more than technical expertise and skilled professionals? Absolutely. We can provide some examples of the potential benefits based on our own experiences.
App Development and its Effects on Saudi Business Landscape
Saudi Arabia, like the entire GCC region, is currently experiencing a rise in business applications. Mobile solutions of all kinds are particularly popular. Their role is not only limited to the development of existing services, but primarily to market expansion. They are intended to enable companies to have an attractive space to do business based on modern technologies.
Harnessing the Power of CRM Systems - how to improve the business?
Nurturing interpersonal relationships is equally important in both public and business spaces. They are what determine success and inspire action. In the case of business operations, effective customer relationship management (CRM) and the development of apt marketing strategies can translate into the development of sales tasks and inspire loyalty in customers. More and more companies are focusing on continuous improvement of operational mechanisms and marketing optimization using modern CRM systems. This has the effect of streamlining the sales funnel while stimulating customer engagement.